Download aesthetic iphone Wallpapers Para Mantan Napi Terorisme Audiensi dengan Ketua DPRD Kota Semarang, Ada Apa?

Para Mantan Napi Terorisme Audiensi dengan Ketua DPRD Kota Semarang, Ada Apa?

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Title : Para Mantan Napi Terorisme Audiensi dengan Ketua DPRD Kota Semarang, Ada Apa?
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Para Mantan Napi Terorisme Audiensi dengan Ketua DPRD Kota Semarang, Ada Apa?

Para Mantan Napi Terorisme Audiensi dengan Ketua DPRD Kota Semarang, Ada Apa?

SEMARANG - Para mantan narapindana terorisme beraudiensi dengan Ketua DPRD Kota Semarang, Kadarlusman di kantor DPRD, Rabu (21/4/2021).

Mereka merupakan mantan napi terorisme yang tergabung dalam Yayasan Putra Persaudaraan Anak Negeri (Persadani) Kota Semarang. Yayasan ini adalah yayasan yang beranggotakan eks narapidana terorisme.

Ketua Yayasan Persadani Kota Semarang, Mahmudi alias Yusuf mengatakan, para mantan napi terorisme memanfaatkan suasana ramadan untuk bersilaturahmi dan menjalin hubunganan baik dengan pemerintah. Pihaknya mengakui berlatarbelakang kurang baik sebagai mantan narapidana terorisme.

"Kami tidak berjalan sendiri. Kami ingin koordinasi dengan pemerintah setempat. Kami perlu menjalin hubungan baik dengan lingkungan," ungkapnya.

Dia berharap, yayasan yang sudah ia bentuk bisa hadir dan berkontribusi untuk Kota Semarang dalam rangka menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih baik dan lebih hebat.

Dia menyebutkan ada 30 mantan narapidana terorisme di Jawa Tengah. Tujuh diantaranya berada di Kota Semarang.

Selama ini, pihaknya melakukan pendampingan terhadap keluarga para narapidana terorisme yang masih berada di dalam penjara. Termasuk juga napi yang bersangkutan diharapkan saat keluar dari penjara bisa kembali ke masyarakat dam berkontribusi bagi negara.

Menurutnya, kendala para mantan napi terorisme yang dihadapi saat ingin turut berkontribusi bagi negara yaitu mobilisasi.

"Ketika mau ke dinas-dinas masih agak sedikit canggung karena dulu tidak biasa ke oemerintahan. Dulu kami anti pemerintahan. Sekarang, kami hidup kembali dengan masyarakat," paparnya.

Dia berharap, dengan audiensi ini para mantan napi teroriame bisa menjalin hubungan yang lebih baik dengan pemerintah dan lingkungan. Pihaknya juga memiliki kegiatan budi daya ikan yang melibatkan masyarakat dengan harapan mereka bisa bermasyarakat.

"Setiap ada peristiwa (terorisme) mereka selalu melihat ke kami. Kalau ada suatu yang baik dari kami, harapannya masyarakat juga bisa melihat kebaikan itu," terangnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua DPRD Kota Semarang, Kadarlusman mengaku iba saat para mantan napi mencerotakan bahwa mereka ingin kembali ke masyarakat dan menjadi bagian dari NKRI.

Dia ingin memberi ruang kepada mereka agar bisa hidup selayaknya masyarakat lain yakni bekerja dan menghidupi keluarganya. Jika Pemkot bisa memberi wadah bagi para mantan napi ini, tentu akan menjadi contoh yang baik bagi kota-kota lain.

"Kami bisa sampaikan ke Pak Wali dan dinas-dinas. Mereka mantan napi, kalau yayasan lengkap sesuai hukum dan ada perizinan dari Kesbangpol, kenapa tidak disupport seperti yayasan lain," ujarnya. (eyf)

Former Terrorism Convicts Hearing with the Chairperson of the Semarang City DPRD, What's Wrong?


SEMARANG - Former terrorism convicts have an audience with the Chairman of the Semarang City DPRD, Kadarlusman at the DPRD office, Wednesday (21/4/2021).

They are former terrorism convicts who are members of the Putra Persaudaraan Anak Negeri (Persadani) Foundation in Semarang City. This foundation is a foundation whose members are former terrorism convicts.

Chairman of the Persadani Foundation for Semarang City, Mahmudi alias Yusuf, said that former terrorism convicts took advantage of the Ramadan atmosphere to stay in touch and establish good relations with the government. His party admitted that he had a poor background as a former convict of terrorism.

"We are not going alone. We want to coordinate with the local government. We need to establish good relations with the environment," he said.

He hopes that the foundation he has formed can be present and contribute to the city of Semarang in order to create a better and greater society.

He mentioned that there were 30 former terrorism convicts in Central Java. Seven of them are in the city of Semarang.

So far, his party has provided assistance to the families of terrorism convicts who are still in prison. Including the prisoners concerned, it is hoped that when they leave prison they can return to society and contribute to the state.

According to him, the obstacle faced by former terrorism convicts when they want to contribute to the country is mobilization.

"When we want to go to the agencies it is still a bit awkward because it was not normal to go to government. We used to be against the government. Now, we live again with the community," he explained.

He hopes that with this hearing the former terrorists can forge a better relationship with the government and the environment. His party also has fish farming activities that involve the community in the hope that they can become part of the community.

"Every time there is an incident (terrorism) they always look at us. If there is something good from us, the hope is that people can also see that goodness," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Semarang City DPRD, Kadarlusman admitted that he was sorry when the former convicts told them that they wanted to return to society and become part of the Republic of Indonesia.

He wants to provide space for them to live like other communities, namely work and support their families. If the municipal government can provide a forum for these ex-convicts, it will certainly be a good example for other cities.

"We can convey it to the Wali and the agencies. They are ex-convicts, if the foundation is complete according to the law and there is a permit from Kesbangpol, why is it not supported like other foundations," he said. (eyf)



Thank you for reading, and happy decorating with your new wallpapers! Para Mantan Napi Terorisme Audiensi dengan Ketua DPRD Kota Semarang, Ada Apa?

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