Download aesthetic iphone Wallpapers Kisah Inspiratif Perempuan Ojol di Semarang Sukses Cetak Atlet Karate Berprestasi

Kisah Inspiratif Perempuan Ojol di Semarang Sukses Cetak Atlet Karate Berprestasi

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Title : Kisah Inspiratif Perempuan Ojol di Semarang Sukses Cetak Atlet Karate Berprestasi
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Kisah Inspiratif Perempuan Ojol di Semarang Sukses Cetak Atlet Karate Berprestasi

Kisah Inspiratif Perempuan Ojol di Semarang Sukses Cetak Atlet Karate Berprestasi

SEMARANG,  - Sri Widati,warga RT 3/3, Krajan Barat IV, Kelurahan Jangli Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah, memiliki kisah hidup yang menginspirasi. Menjadi orang tua tunggal bagi tiga anak tak membuatnya menyerah. 

Wanita kelahiran 27 April 1975 tersebut menjadi single parent sejak enam tahun lalu. Dia berjuang menghidupi tiga buah hatinya bernama Yudistira Widi Pratama (26), Viorita Aditianingtyas (22), dan Safira Aulia Harwita (16).

Perjuangan itu pun tidak mudah. Dia harus banting tulang mencari nafkah dan mendidik anak-anaknya. Berkat sentuhan tangan dinginnya, anak-anak itu mampu mencetak prestasi. Sejumlah medali dan piala kejuaraan karate dan berbagai olimpiade terpampang di rumahnya. 

Sehari-hari, dia menjadi mitra ojek online. Meski beragam pekerjaan ternyata dilakoninya demi mendapatkan nafkah halal. Selain bekerja dan mendidik anak-anaknya, Widati juga harus merawat kakaknya yang lumpuh.

"Saya pernah bikin jamu kunyit asem saya titipkan ke apotek-apotek. Pandemi ini daya beli jatuh. Saya rugi. Saya juga pernah menjahit. Setelah pandemi jahitan sepi, saya lari ke ojek online," kata Widati.

Dia berangkat kerja sebagai sebagai seorang ojek online mulai pukul 08.00 - 14.00 WIB. Kemudian, dilanjutkan sore hari saat jam ramai pulang kerja. Jika dirasa penghasilan masih kurang, malam hari pun tetap narik.

"Puasa kalau siang sepi. Jadi, saya ambil jam-jam ramai pagi dan sore. Kalau hasilnya sedikit, saya lanjut setelah tarawih," katanya.

Di sela-sela menjadi seorang ojek online, dia selalu membawa buku kecil. Saat senggang, dia mencoba menuangkan ide-idenya dalam buku kecil, bisa puisi atau cerpen. Saat ini, dia telah memiliki sembilan buku antologi puisi dan cerpen. Sekarang, dia sedang mencoba belajar membuat tulisan opini. 

Kegigihan dan ketangguhan itu yang mengantarkannya menjadi wanita inspiratif dalam Mandom Kartini Award. Penghargaan yang diinisiasi Jaringan Jurnalis Perempuan Jawa Tengah bersama sebuah perusahaan kosmetik.

"Tidak menyangka saya dapat ini. Saya merasa masih jauh dari nilai inspiratif. Saya cuma menjalani apa yang saya jalani," ujarnya. Motivasinya, dia harus kuat dalam menjalani hidup untuk anak dan orang-orang yang menyayanginya. 

Dia berharap buah hatinya juga menjadi orang yang tangguh dalam menjalani hidup. "Broken home bukan buat alasan untuk jatuh dan patah apaagi memilih jadi manusia yang kalah," tegasnya. 

Ketua Jaringan Jurnalis Perempuan Jawa Tengah, Rita Hidayati mengatakan, pemberian award ini dalam rangka Hari 

Kartini sekaligus memeringati hari ulang tahun jurnalis perempuan Jawa Tengah. "Kami menggandeng pihak yang punya kepedulian terhadap perempuan inspiratif. Kami ingin menghidupkan perempuan inspiratif yang berjuang di tengah hidup yang berat," jelasnya.

The Inspirational Story of Women Ojol in Semarang Successfully Prints Outstanding Karate Athletes

SEMARANG, - Sri Widati, resident of RT 3/3, Krajan Barat IV, Kelurahan Jangli, Semarang City, Central Java, has an inspiring life story. Being a single parent to three children didn't make him give up.

The woman who was born on April 27, 1975 has been a single parent since six years ago. She is struggling to support her three children, namely Yudistira Widi Pratama (26), Viorita Aditianingtyas (22), and Safira Aulia Harwita (16).

The struggle was not easy. She had to work hard to earn a living and educate her children. Thanks to the touch of their cold hands, these children were able to make achievements. A number of medals and trophies for karate championships and various Olympics are displayed at his house.

Everyday, he becomes an online motorcycle taxi partner. Even though he does various jobs in order to earn a halal living. Apart from working and educating her children, Widati also has to take care of her paralyzed brother.

"I once made herbal turmeric tamarind, I entrusted it to pharmacies. This pandemic has fallen in purchasing power. I lost. I also had sewing. After the sewing pandemic was low, I ran to an online motorcycle taxi," said Widati.

He goes to work as an online motorcycle taxi from 08.00 - 14.00 WIB. Then, it is continued in the afternoon when the peak hours come home from work. If you feel that your income is still lacking, evenings are still interesting.

"Fasting when the afternoon is quiet. So, I take the busy hours of the morning and evening. If the results are small, I continue after tarawih," he said.

Between being an online motorcycle taxi, he always carries a small book. In his spare time, he tries to write down his ideas in small books, which can be poetry or short stories. Currently, he has nine books of anthology of poetry and short stories. Now, he is trying to learn to write opinion writing.

Persistence and toughness that led her to become an inspirational woman in the Mandom Kartini Award. The award was initiated by the Central Java Women's Journalist Network together with a cosmetics company.

"I did not think I got this. I feel that it is still far from inspirational value. I just live what I live," he said. The motivation, he must be strong in living life for children and the people who love him.

He hopes that his baby will also be a tough person in living life. "Broken home is not an excuse to fall and be broken or choose to be a losing human," he said.

Head of the Central Java Women's Journalist Network, Rita Hidayati, said the award was given in the framework of the Day

Kartini also commemorates the birthday of a female journalist in Central Java. "We are collaborating with those who care about inspirational women. We want to revive inspirational women who struggle in the midst of a tough life," he explained.


Thank you for reading, and happy decorating with your new wallpapers! Kisah Inspiratif Perempuan Ojol di Semarang Sukses Cetak Atlet Karate Berprestasi

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